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Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

With all the buzz about AI such as robots or self-driving cars. It’s easy to believe that AI does not affect our daily lives. However, the majority of people encounter Artificial Intelligence in one form or another almost every day. From the moment you get up to check your phone to watching a Netflix recommended film, AI has quickly made its way into our daily lives. According to research conducted by Statista the world AI market is predicted to increase by 55 percent every year. What specifically is AI? Does it actually bring benefits for humanity in the future? There are a lot of benefits and drawbacks to AI that we’ll explore here in the article.


What exactly is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence or AI provides computer programs with the ability to learn and think independently. It’s a model of human intelligence (hence artificial) for machines to perform things that typically rely on human. There are three primary kinds of AI that are based on their capabilities: weak AI and strong AI and the super AI.

  • A weak AI – Concentrates on a single task, and is not able to exceed its limits (common everyday life)
  • Strong AI is able to comprehend and perform any intellectual task that humans is able to (researchers are striving to create the level of AI)
  • Super AI – Surpasses human intelligence and is able to perform tasks that are better than human (still an idea)

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

1. Reduction in Human Error

One of the major benefits that comes with Artificial Intelligence is that it can drastically reduce the amount of errors , and also increase precision and accuracy. The choices made by AI throughout the process are determined by data previously collected as well as a number of algorithms. When properly programmed the errors could be minimized to a minimum.

2. Zero Risks

Another major benefit that comes with AI is the fact that we are able to take on many risks by using AI robotics to perform the tasks for us. It could be disarming a bomb, venturing into space, or exploring the deepest oceans the machines that have metal bodies are resilient in the natural environment and can withstand hostile environments. Furthermore, they can perform high-quality work and greater accountability and won’t wear out as quickly.

3. 24/7 availability

There are a lot of studies showing that humans only work 3 to 4 hours the day. Humans also require breaks and breaks to be able to maintain a balance between their work and their personal lives. AI is able to work for hours without interruptions. They can think faster than humans and can complete several tasks simultaneously with precision results. They can also handle long repetitive tasks easily with the aid of AI algorithms. AI algorithms.

4. Digital Assistance

Most large companies today utilize electronic assistants for interaction with their customers , which reduces the requirement to hire human resource. Chat with chatbots chatbot and ask them what you want. Chatbots have become smart enough that it is difficult to tell if you’re talking to a chatbot or a human.

5. New inventions

AI has assisted in coming with novel inventions in every field to tackle complex issues. A new invention can help doctors detect early stages of breast cancer in women by using sophisticated AI-based techniques. start learning advantages and disadvantage

6. Unbiased Choices

Human beings are driven by emotion regardless of whether we want to or not. AI however is void of emotion and is extremely practical and rational in its method of operation. One of the major advantages to Artificial Intelligence is that it does not possess any biases that can lead to more precise decision-making.

Pros And Cons of Artificial Intelligence

1. Costs are high

The capability to build an artificial intelligence robot/machine that talk human intelligence is not an easy task. It takes a lot of resources and time, and will cost a lot of dollars. AI requires the most recent software and hardware in order to remain up-to-date and meet the most recent standards, which makes it quite expensive.

2. No originality

One of the biggest drawbacks that comes with AI has to do with the fact that it can’t be taught to think outside of the box. AI is able to learn over time using data fed to it and previous experiences, but it is not able to be innovative in its methods. An example of this can be the robot Quill which can write Forbes earnings reports. The reports contain only details and data already supplied by the robot. While it’s amazing that a robot can create an article on its own, it is lacking the human element that is present in the other Forbes reports.

3. An increase in unemployment

One of the main drawbacks AI has is the fact that AI is gradually replacing many routine tasks by automating them. The less requirement for human intervention has led to the elimination of many opportunities for employment. One example is the chatbot, which can be a huge benefit to companies, but can be an unwelcome nightmare for employees. A study conducted by McKinsey forecasts an estimate that AI is expected to replace at minimum 30 % of human labor in 2030.

4. People are lazy because of it.

AI apps simplify the majority of boring or repetitive chores. Because we don’t have to remember things or solve questions to accomplish the task We tend to utilize our minds less. The dependence on AI can lead to problems for the next generation.

5. No Morality

Morality and ethics are essential human characteristics that can be difficult to integrate into AI. The rapid growth of AI has brought up a variety of worries that in the future, AI will grow uncontrollably and eventually eradicate humanity. This is known as being the AI singularity.


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