Cutlery Set

The definitive tutorial on UI design for both men and women

One thing I can remember particularly about the task was the christmas newsletter, which we had to create and mail a compelling special offer with a lovely red background. We’ve altered the tone of red at least 5 times.

At first I picked a vibrant red that was admired by the majority of male colleagues, but was detested by all women within the organization. The company always claimed they thought it would be blinding and , in essence, ineffective.

The perception of color is different for both women and men

At first, I thought I had issues in my eyesight, but when males in the same group positively viewed that red, I knew it was deeper underneath the car.

I began to conduct some research regarding this subject, and discovered it was true that women are actually more sensitive to colors and this has helped me understand a lot.

According to research, women actually see different colors than men. women are better at discerning the tones and are also able to feel colors more bright.

The reason this happens is fascinating: it is believed that during the evolution women were gatherers and needed to be able to distinguish berries and fruits and stationary things more often than men, who needed to pay more attention to fast-moving objects rather than colours.

It is apparent that their sensitivity to red is the most intense (this is the reason for the idea of berry gathering) The same thing happened when it came to azure shades I once chose an azure-colored background which was viewed as boring by males (especially those who were older) and, likewise it was a source of blindness for women.

Do you have a way to test this once more?

I am a huge fan of testing myself and other people, but conducting these types of tests is a bit difficult when you are in quarantine as you have no access to a standard space or display, however I decided to try it regardless.

I asked my relatives and acquaintances (the most I could..I realize it’s not a lot) to test the impact of a few colors at different levels of brightness on their laptops or mobile phones, trying to figure out whether there’s a real difference   .

The way I conducted the test:

  1. The display was asked to be set at 50 the brightness.
  2. Take a look at the list of the various shades with increasing brightness in the same hue. Then tell me what they thought about it when they decided it was too bright or annoying.
  3. Do the test again using the brightness they maintain their mobile phone’s brightness at.
  4. In the beginning, I asked them if they needed to either increase or decrease the brightness until it reached 50 to reach 50.

Test results

In general, men preferred tonalities that were around 20 points higher on RGB numbers than females (for instance, they prefer 228,0,0 instead of 208,0,0) and some were unable to distinguish between these shades. On the contrary women were not having any difficulty distinguishing the difference, and preferred more dark shades.

The results showed no significant distinction between desktop and mobile however, those who were unable to differentiate the colors were mostly on phones (Android-based mobile).

Concerning screen brightness There was something fascinating to note when we asked them to set their brightness on 50 percent, women increased the value by a significant amount(they had it set at between 25 and 30 percent) however males increased it only a few percent or didn’t alter the value at all.

Software color customization for both genders

While working at that real estate company the management software was exclusively used by women. It was entirely designed by men. This resulted in a few issues that I was able to fix and which inform us about some fascinating things that we can discover and recall.

A very frequently-repeated issues was contrast. While it was even more important for men, this piece of software was characterized by low contrast tools for women and caused eye strain after many hours of work.

I don’t possess any screenshots from the original (they’re as well private) however I sketched them over again using similar colors:

The blue-violet color was not chosen randomly. I presented various user interfaces to the entire team, and then I made the shade darker until everyone had no issue looking at: men were content in “too” vivid colors, while women did not like it in any way.

I believe that the use of white themes is an unwise concept in the first place however at the time, I was a designer only and the development team didn’t have taken the time to redesign complete software in dark mode If it’s possible of this, I’m sure women’s vision will benefit by using a lighterand more subtle design.

Exploiting peripheral vision

Although women are excellent in peripheral vision, males excel in central vision.

This is relevant to the way we experience brightness and color, therefore it will affect how we develop and develop our applications.

Central vision that is clear can reduce the requirement for contrast in the focal area, while peripheral vision is ideal for being aware of what’s happening close to the display’s border.

This brings us to a simple conclusion: men are more easy to read, however it’s difficult to detect the color changes that occur within the peripheral.

How do you apply this design?

Everyone is aware that it is best to use bright red hues for icons that alert us. However, there is more to it than that.

If we’re males, and creating applications that are mostly designed for ladies, we should always strive to add larger size and more contrast to the smallest UI elements that we concentrate our attention on as women tend to be more strained than men.

However, if we know that the majority of people who use our services are men and women, we must provide close-to-border UI components with larger and more vibrant colors because we’re blind in this area.

This is the reason it is important to work with the male and female designers!


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